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Chaliye Trigger Warnings ko Vanakkam

As much as I'll try to make sure that this blog doesn't trigger anyone, I can't control what people can be affected by. So yeah, I'll make references to Sushant's demise and the general concept of depression, although as I said, I'll try to keep these references as safe as possible. Also, I don't claim to be an objective representation of any of this, I'm just talking from personal experience. And I know the introductory paragraph is now too long, despite me promising myself that I'll keep this blog short. Anyway, yes. A Bollywood actor passed away yesterday. And immediately, the social media outpour began. "Anyone who is going through anything please know that I'm here for you and my inbox is open. I'm just one text or phone call away feel free to reach out to me" and so on. I'm glad people are talking about mental health more openly now than in 2009. But it shouldn't take an event as tragic as this to bring up the discussi
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How To Get A Girl In Five Simple Steps [Blog For Men Only]

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Andha Naal Nyaabagam [Memoirs of That Day] - An Opinion Post

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----Title removed by the Government for being offensive---

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22 Yards in India

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My First Word

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